for appointments call
01 - 2964649 for Dr. Moloney or Dr. Keane
​01 - 2984644 for Dr. Fagan
or email

new opening hours
Monday 08.30 - 18.00
Tuesday 08.30 - 20.00
Wednesday 08.30 - 18.00
Thursday 08.30 - 19.30
Friday 08.00 - 18.00
after hours
Luke Doc 01 - 6699499
Mon - Fri up to 22.00
Sat - Sun 10.00 - 18.00
Dr. On Duty 01 - 453 9333
Mon - Fri 22.00 - 08.30
Sat - Sun 18.00 - 10.0
The surgery operates on an appointment only system but will of course accommodate emergencies.
We endeavour to provide the very best care for our patients and therefore encourage you to book an appointment.
Consultations are 15 minutes long. If you feel you may need longer than this please ask when booking as it is possible to book a 30 minute appointment.
To make an appointment with;
Dr. Fagan call 01-2984644
Dr. Moloney or Dr. Keane call 01-2964649
Our after hours care is provided by Luke Doc. Luke Doc is an after hours service provided by a co-operative of experienced GPs from South Dublin that operates from Clonskeagh Hospital Campus, The Gate Lodge, Vergemount, Dublin, D06 HH36. All our doctors are members of Luke Doc.
Patients who require care outside our normal hours from 6pm - 10pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm Saturdays and Sundays, should call Luke Doc on 01 669 9499 to arrange an appointment. Should a house call be required one will be organised for you.
Between 10pm and 10am Monday to Friday and 6pm to 10am Saturdays and Sundays please call 01-4539333 to be seen by Emergency Cover Doctors​